User Guide


Minimum cost flows coincide with user equilibrium and system optimum in traffic network if the edge cost are transformed by:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \text{User equilibrium:} \quad F_e &= \int_0^{x_e} l_e(s) ds \\ \text{System optimum:} \quad F_e &= x_e \cdot l_e \\ \end{align}\end{split}\]

The link travel time is defined as: show/hide

\[l_e(x_e) = \text{fft}_e \cdot \left( 1 + B_e \cdot \left(\frac{x}{\text{cap}_e}\right) ^ {p_e} \right).\]


You want to set up a custom graph with paminco? Learn how to specify graphs, how to allow for negative flows (we treat all graphs as directed), and how to specify cost and demand functions.