How to read data from XML

For paminco, we chose XML as our standard data format for networks. An XML file specifies edges (obligatory), nodes (optional), edge cost (optional) and commodities (optional).

1. Read edges and Nodes

1.1 From -> to

We start by specyfying and reading in only the egde data.

import paminco

xml1 = \
    <edge from="A" to="B"></edge>
    <edge from="A" to="C"></edge>
    <edge from="B" to="C"></edge>
    <edge from="B" to="D"></edge>
    <edge from="C" to="D"></edge>
edges =
source_lbl target_lbl s t lb ub
0 A B 0 1 0.0 inf
1 A C 0 2 0.0 inf
2 B C 1 2 0.0 inf
3 B D 1 3 0.0 inf
4 C D 2 3 0.0 inf

1.2 Edge bounds

By default, paminco constructs directed edges with bounds (0, infinity). However, we can specify them in the XML file:

xml2 = \
    <edge from="A" to="B" lb="0" ub="200"></edge>
    <edge from="A" to="C" lb="-200" ub="200"></edge>
    <edge from="B" to="C" lb="10" ub="11"></edge>
    <edge from="B" to="D" lb="1" ub="1.1"></edge>
    <edge from="C" to="D" lb="-5" ub="3"></edge>
edges =
source_lbl target_lbl s t lb ub
0 A B 0 1 0.0 200.0
1 A C 0 2 -200.0 200.0
2 B C 1 2 10.0 11.0
3 B D 1 3 1.0 1.1
4 C D 2 3 -5.0 3.0

1.3 Node attributes

We can add a <nodes> tag to the XML and define node locations:

xml3 = \
    <node node="A" x="0" y="0"/>
    <node node="B" x="0" y="3"/>
    <node node="C" x="3" y="0"/>
    <node node="D" x="3" y="3"/>
    <edge from="A" to="B"></edge>
    <edge from="A" to="C"></edge>
    <edge from="B" to="C"></edge>
    <edge from="B" to="D"></edge>
    <edge from="C" to="D"></edge>
nodes =
label zone x y
0 A False 0.0 0.0
1 B False 0.0 3.0
2 C False 3.0 0.0
3 D False 3.0 3.0

2. Read commodities

xml4 = \
      <b node="1" value="-160.0"/>
      <b node="2" value="-60.0"/>
      <b node="7" value="100.0"/>
      <b node="14" value="120.0"/>
    <edge from="A" to="B"></edge>
    <edge from="A" to="C"></edge>
    <edge from="B" to="C"></edge>
    <edge from="B" to="D"></edge>
    <edge from="C" to="D"></edge>

dv =, is_label=False)
CommodityMultiSourceSink @ 0x7f41cba087c0
1 : -160.0
2 : -60.0
7 : 100.0
14 : 120.0

3. Read edge cost

3.1 Polynomial cost

3.2 Piecewise quadratic cost

4. Read the whole network