Link Travel Time¶
For transportation networks, the link travel time \(l_e(x_e)\) describes how much time it takes to traverse the edge as a function of some flow \(x_e\), i.e., the amount many units on the edge. The link travel time is usually defined as:
where \(\text{fft}_e\) is the free flow travel time (how much time does it take if the road is empty), \(\text{cap}_e\) the capacity and \(B_e\) a factor that models the congestion.
Wardrop´s Principles and the Price of Anarchy¶
Wardrop´s first principle: user equilibrium (UE)¶
A user equilibrium (UE) in a traffic network exists if every route a driver might use takes the same amount of time:
for all s-t-paths P and Q and where \(l_e(x_e)\) is a continuous and strictly increasing travel time function.
It is known that a Wardrop equilibium coincides with a minimum cost flow with the objective cost function \(C\) defined as:
The optimization problem thus becomes:
Wardrop´s second principle: system optimum (SO)¶
In contrast to the user eqiulibrium, the system optimum minimizes the total travel time of all traffic participants. It is obtained by finding a minimum cost flow with an objective cost function \(C\) defined as
The price of anarchy (PoA)¶
The Price of Anarchy (PoA) measures the influence of selfish behavior on system efficiency. For a traffic network, it is defined as the ratio of the total system travel time (TSTT) in the user equilibrium \(\mathbf{x}_{\text{UE}}^{\ast}\) to that in the system optimal \(\mathbf{x}_{\text{SO}}^{\ast}\):
where \(\text{TSTT}(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_{e \in E} x_{e} \cdot l_{e}(x_e)\), i.e., the objective function of the system optimum.