- class paminco.algo.mca.MCAConfig(**kwargs)[source]¶
Settings for MCA algorithms.
- Parameters
- alphafloat, default=1.01
Relative tolerance for alpha-beta-approximation.
- betafloat, default=1
Absolute tolerance for alpha-beta-approximation.
- interpolation_accuracyfloat, default=1e-3
- interpolation_step_size, optional
- lambda_maxfloat, default=1
Maxmimum parameter (lambda) to find minimum cost flow for.
- inverse_methodstr, int or InverseMethod, default=InverseMethod.CHOLESKY
Method to find the inverse Laplacian.
- pivot_modeint, str or PivotStepMode, default=PivotStepMode.LEX
Method to choose min edge if len(boundary_edges) > 1.
- max_iterint, default=99999
Maximum number of iterations for solver.
- printbool, default=False
Whether to print a summary of each iteration.
- recomp_intervalint, default=1
If <= 1, recompute inverse Laplacian in every iteration. Else update and recompute every recomp_interval. The higher the value, the less accurate the inverse Laplacian.
- round_lambdaint, default=3
Round lambda value for edges to round_lambda after decimal. Used to determine boundary edges.
- rounding_margins_baseint, default=-16
Set gamma_dpi with low exponent (in IEEE754) to zero.
- rounding_margins_facint, default=-5
Set gamma_dpi with low exponent (in IEEE754) to zero.
All available settings for EFA.
Method to calculate inverse Laplacian.
Settings for EFA that can be passed only during initialization.
Method to perform pivot step.