- paminco.utils.bisec.bisec_method(func, tol=0.01, lo=None, up=None, debug=False, flex_up=False, increasing=None)[source]¶
Execute the bisection method to find a root of func.
- Parameters
- func: function-handle
the function
- tol: float or tuple
the error tolerance. Can be given as float, then return a solution x with -tol <= f(x) <= tol. Can also be specified as tuple tol = (tol[0], tol[1]). In this case, return x with tol[0] <= f(x) <= tol[1]
- lo: float
lower bound on the root
- up: float
upper bound on the root
- debug: bool
If true, print debug information
- flex_up: bool
Flexible upper bound flag: If True, the function checks if func(up) > 0 and increases up if this is not the case. If False, func(up) > 0 is assumed implicitely
- If lo and up are not given, lo is assumed to be 0 and up is determined
- automatically.