- class paminco.algo.efa.EFAConfig(**kwargs)[source]¶
Settings for running the electrical flow algorithm (EFA).
- Parameters
- lambda_maxfloat, default=1
Maxmimum parameter (lambda) to find minimum cost flow for.
- inverse_methodstr, int or InverseMethod, default=InverseMethod.CHOLESKY
Method to find the inverse of the laplacian.
- pivot_modeint, str or PivotStepMode, default=PivotStepMode.LEX
Method to choose min edge if more than one boundary edge is identified.
- max_iterint, default=99999
Maximum number of iterations for solver.
- printbool, default=False
Whether to print a summary of each iteration.
- recomp_intervalint, default=1
If == 1, recompute inverse laplacian in every iteration. If < 1, never recompute the laplacian. Else update and recompute every recomp_interval. The higher the value, the less accurate the inverse laplacian.
- round_lambdaint, default=3
Round lambda value for edges to
after decimal. Used to determine boundary edges.- rounding_margins_baseint, default=-16
Set gamma_dpi with low exponent (in IEEE754) to zero.
- rounding_margins_facint, default=-5
Set gamma_dpi with low exponent (in IEEE754) to zero.